The Sims 2 Website – Still Down for “Maintenance”

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Well it has been about 2 weeks or longer since the “Maintenance Mode” of the website has been up.  Not sure what type of maintenance they are doing, but it has been a long while.
Sims 2
During their last Sims 3 site update they removed The Sims 2 banner from the bottom of forums to add “Sims Social”, so perhaps they are trying to slowly shut the site without notice?  Hopefully this is not the case, but who knows with EA’s web team now a days.

Anyway, during the time the site is down and anyone requires Sims 2 Patches for their games, I have all Sims 2 Patches uploaded for your games.  Please note that these patches are for the single packs and are not supporting the “Compilation Game Collections”  that were created after.  If you have any questions, direct all your comments here .

