The Sims 4 Leaked Demo Reel?

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It is no surprise that EA is working on Sims 4. They have already registered the domain and one of their employees had Tweeted about Starting on Sims 4 as well. Things change over time, but the odds are that Sims 4 is real and will happen.

Today, The Sims Live Group Tweeted several of us fansites today regarding a “The Sims 4” Leaked trailer. More so a demo reel than trailer, but you get the point.  Well, not too long after SimPrograms reported and posted this video, it was quickly removed by EA.




Now EA would not bother taking down a fake fan made video, so is someone at EA leaking all these videos? Same happen with Pets, Generations, Showtime and now this “Sims 4” Concept Video.


Could this be the concept of Sims 4? Is this really a leaked demo reel? Is this just some kind of housing project promo? Well, as history repeats itself, EA has once again removed a video due to a copyright claim – and so far they have all been true.

I am currently trying to upload the video here to the site, but in the mean time, take a look and decide for yourself. (while you’re at it, download it too!)

