Community Spotlight: SMag (Sims Magazine)

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Here to kick off the April Community Spotlight is Sims Community Magazine SMag! In a brief introduction below, they give readers a chance to learn a bit more about what they do. Take it away!

Untitl12124124edHey everyone! My name is George, and I’m the editor-in-chief of SMag. SMag is a quarterly magazine that’s all about design and inspiration in The Sims, so naturally we focus on building and interiors. In each issue we feature some awesome community-made creations, some stunning work made by the team, interviews and a pinch of everything else.


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I am currently still at school, and I live in England. I’ve been playing the Sims for as long as I can remember; it’s always been a big part of my life. I first discovered The Sims when I got a copy of it for my birthday, and my dad (who now denies setting me off on this slippery slope to addiction!) taught me how to play it. Ever since, I’ve been building houses, creating families and ruining the odd Sim-life from time to time whenever I get the chance.

SMag first began in October 2013, as a silly little project I wanted to try out. I never even expected to finish it, but once I realised that I had found quite a unique way of expressing myself in The Sims, I started to put more work into it. Looking back, I get embarrassed when I see the very first issue – but it’s what started this off! My favourite thing about SMag is that it gives really talented content creators a new way for people to find their work. SMag is growing really quickly thanks to the insane support from the community, and it’s becoming a more unique and versatile platform for content creators every single day.

issue 10 cover (2)

Alongside our issues and the amazing team that works on them, we’ve also got a smaller (but just as awesome) team that dedicates their time to the blog. On there you can find design tips, Simspiration and even little articles full of my ramblings on there. SMag is constantly growing thanks to the amazing work of our team and the support of the community. What’s next? Who knows…the only way is up!


I’d love it if you went to check out our website and our new issue, Issue 10, on our website, I also Tweet (probably a little too much for my own good!) on Twitter, @smagofcl. And last but not least, I’m always favouriting and sharing awesome work done by the community on my Gallery, which you can find with the username georgeishungry.



