Sims 3 Seasons Twitter Q&A

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SimGuruGraham has taken over the Sims 3 Twitter account!

♦ There are some new open windows that come with #TS3Seasons; they can’t be closed, but they’re perfect for summer.
♦ When aliens abduct a male Sim, there will be a chance of them returning “pregnant”. Watch out for those alien experiments!
♦ Sims do have an internal body temperature; they’ll let you know if they’re too hot or cold through their moodlets.
♦ Each season is one week long by default, and you’ll see all sorts of weather like thunderstorms, blizzards, hail, fog, and more!
♦ All sorts of new food, from pulled pork sandwiches in the summer, to eggnog in the winter. You can even bake pumpkin pie!
♦ There is a tanning booth! Not only can you get a natural tan, but you’ll be able to get a quick spray tan anytime you like.
♦ Outerwear is a brand new outfit category in CAS. It’s packed with all sorts of warm clothes for the winter season!
♦ Holiday lights are placed by clicking on your home’s front door. Homes around the neighborhood will decorate with them as well!
♦ There are tons new control options! You can turn individual seasons off, set their length, and disable types of weather.

♦ There isn’t a garderner in Seasons; if you’re interested in gardening, Supernatural added lots of new plants to harvest
♦ There’s a new job that only aliens can apply for called the Test Subject career – it’s a rough job but someone has to do it
♦ The new traits are more about making your Sims happy when they’re in the weather they enjoy rather than punishing them.
♦ Swimming in the ocean IS returning to The Sims! All players will be able to swim in the oceans when #TS3Seasons launches.
♦ New ways for Sims to die include freezing to death (brrr!) and getting struck by lightning – watch out for those storms!
♦ Watch out for extreme colds or brutal heat waves. You wouldn’t want your Sim to spontaneously combust
♦ Not only can you stay home sick from work or school, you can fake being sick to your boss – just don’t let them catch you!
♦ Much of gardening that was in Sims 2 Seasons was already part of the Sims 3, so we’re not focusing on gardening for this EP.
♦ There’s a new lifetime reward object called the Climatron Control Unit which will let you have full power over the weather!
♦ It’s really cute when tiny pets run through the snow, they’re so small that you just see a tunnel of snow get pushed up.
♦ There’s a fun new pool lounge object that Sims can use while swimming in pools or the ocean – so relaxing!
♦ Sims won’t autonomously use the weather stone – it’s for the Supernatural Sims in your household to enjoy
♦ There are multiple new parties in Seasons; we showed the Feast (potluck) Party last week, and we’ll be revealing more soon!
♦ You’ll see all of the deciduous trees in your world regrowing the leaves that they lost when springtime rolls around
♦ The water inside fountains (or pools) won’t freeze, but you will see all the outdoor fountains turn off when it’s freezing.
♦ The temperature inside your home is naturally adjusted to be comfortable for your Sims – head inside when it’s nasty out!
♦ They’ll definitely get sunburned if you leave your Sims outside too long – it’s very unpleasant (and they turn bright red!)
♦ Once an alien joins your household you’ll have full control over their clothes and hair. No need for the space suit on earth!
♦ The game always starts in Summer by default. The starting season can be changed by individual players in their own games though.
♦ There isn’t a new world in Seasons; we worked very hard to ensure that seasons and weather would work in every home world.
♦ Definitely – there’s a new object that lets advanced builders decorate and save their lots for every season.
♦ Snow doesn’t gather on top of the Sims themselves – we wouldn’t want them to freeze solid too quickly
♦ Definitely! You’ll now be able to swim in any body of water that your Sim can get to that’s not on a lot.
♦ Holidays are a really important part of Seasons. Sims have their own unique holidays that they celebrate – one for each season!
♦ You’ll have full control over the length of each season. You can set them individually to last anywhere from 3-28 days.
♦ There absolutely are snow days for children. Nothing better than getting to skip school AND play in the snow!
♦ When you earn festival tickets you’ll be able to buy cool objects like the Snow Cone Machine, Apple Bobbing Tank, and more!
♦ Woohooing in the leaf pile is one of our new spots… there is another which we haven’t announced just yet, stay tuned
♦ New activities include the egg hunt, a spring dancing competition, eating contests with hot dogs and pies, and more year round.
♦ Sorry, you’ll still have to go to school during the summer (booo – hisss!). Rough life, I know
♦ Blueprints won’t be on the exchange – think of them as a pre-fab room that you plop down. We’ll keep providing more over time.
♦ Treehouses are considered evergreen trees, but you will see them covered in snow in the winter.
♦ Why… it just so happens that you CAN destroy snowmen; pumpkins too! Don’t get into too much trouble
♦ Lots of types of blueprints are provided by us for people to stamp down in their homes; you won’t be able to build your own.
♦ Outerwear is a new type of clothing – we included lots of warm looking clothing; that means no shorts
♦ The drainpipes and AC units in Supernatural are purely decorative; they definitely help make a complete home though
♦ We aren’t increasing the min spec with Seasons; the weather effects will scale with your hardware. Be sure to check the box!
♦ With your Sim being sneezy and generally unhappy, you’ll definitely want to keep them indoors and warm when they catch a cold.
♦ Rain will put out fires that are outdoors, it’ll even water your plants! Weather is nifty like that
♦ Sorry no sun roofs, but I love putting the Supernatural rocking chair out on the porch in summer to relax.
♦ Weather isn’t tied to any particular season, although you will see more rain in the spring than the summer.
♦ There will be a 5 day weather forecast so you can plan ahead, along with everyone’s favorite amusing weatherman on the TV.
♦ Aliens can appear throughout the year. They’re mostly passive; they just like to come down in their UFO and explore at night.
♦ Snow won’t fall underneath the biodomes that are placed on lots. #science
♦ No new toddler objects, but they do have their own selection of new outerwear to put on when it gets chilly outside.
♦ There are 5 new gnomes! It’s Oct. so I’ll reveal our Fall gnome… Her name is Cracklin’ Nackerbell, she’s a broom riding witch
♦ Sims can die from spontaneously combusting, yes. It’s an… unpleasant… way to go. Don’t stay out too long in those heat waves.
♦ All home worlds will have seasons and weather! Yes, that definitely includes the amazing custom worlds all of you make
♦ No skiing, but snowboarding on the half-pipe is an awesome winter sport. The Sims can pull off some pretty impressive tricks
♦ No woohooing IN the UFO, sorry 🙂 You can certainly woohoo with an alien though… green babies!
♦ Bridgeport is gorgeous in the winter, when the city streets are blanketed in snow it’s even more incentive to hit the clubs!
♦ Sims may look out the window when weather starts; kids in particular love to see when it snows!



