The Sims 4: Cheats, Hot Keys & Controls (List)

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Controls: Live Mode

  • Sim/Household Controls
    • Switch to next Sim in Household: (Space or N)
    • Switch to Specific Sim: (Click Sim portrait)
    • Lock Camera to Sim: (Right-Click Sim portrait)
    • Center Camera on active Sim: (Enter)
  • Time Controls
    • Pause Game: (P or 0 or ‘)
    • Regular/Fast/Ultra Speed: (1/2/3)
  • Camera Movement
    • Move left/right: (Arrow Left/Right or A/D)
    • Move forward/back: (Arrow UP/Down or W/S)
    • Move Faster: (Hold Shift + Camera Mov’t)
    • Zoom in/out: (Z/X or +/-)
    • Toggle Map Mode: <em(M)
  • General Controls
    • Undo/Redo: (Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+V)
    • Cancel: (Esc)
    • Toggle Cheat Window: (Ctrl + Shift + C)


Controls: Build/Buy Mode

  • Object Placement Tools
    • Rotate Object: (,/. – one object select)
    • Delete Object: (Del or Backspace)
    • Off Grid Placement: (Alt – while holding object)
    • Off Angle Placement: (Alt – while rotating object)
    • Move to Slot: (M)


Game Cheats

• The Cheat Console can be brought up by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the following text into the text input field that appears at the top of the screen.

    • Help – Lists all available commands into the command console.
    • resetSim {FirstName} {LastName} – Resets the Sim.
    • fullscreen – toggles full screen on or off.
    • headlineeffects{on/off} – Hides all headline effects including plumbobs, thought balloons, etc.
    • Death.toggle – Disables Death so that Sims don’t die.
    • FreeRealEstate {on/off} – Can be entered at neighborhood/world. If on, all homes are free.
    • motherlode – Provides 50,000 Simoleons
    • kaching – Provides 1000 Simoleons
    • rosebud – Provides 1000 Simoleons
    • Pressing Shift + ] – Increases the size of objects


  • testingcheats {true/false} – Enables use of further cheats
    • Entering “testingcheats true”, then entering “cas.fulleditmode” allows all CAS abilities.
    • Interaction Cheats are available by Shift + Clicking on objects and Sims once the player types in “testingcheats true” in the command console.
    • Shift Clicking on Sims
      • Reset Object – Resets Sim
      • Add to Family – Add the Sim to the current family
      • Cheat Motive > Make Happy – Sets all motives to full and sets Mood to Happy
      • Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay – Allows motives to change dynamically
      • Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay – Allows motives to remain static
    • Shift Clicking on Objects
      • Reset Object – Rests Object
    • Shift Clicking Dirty-able Objects
      • Make Dirty – Makes object dirty
    • Shift Clicking on Dirty Objects
      • Make Clean – makes object clean
    • Shift Clicking Mailbox
      • Reset Object – resets Mailbox
    • Shift Clicking the Ground
      • Teleport Me Here – Teleports selected Sim as close to the clicked spot as possible
    • Shift Clicking Sims
      • Modify in CAS – Allows editing of everything but name change and inherited traits


Build Mode Hotkeys

    • Object Control
      • Rotate held/selected object, block, roof, anything rotatable: < / >
      • Move object to next slot in surface with a slotted object selected and on a slot surface: M
      • Copy held/selected object on placement: Shift
      • Inventory held/selected object: Backspace
      • Delete held/selected object: Delete
      • Undo: Ctrl + Z
      • Redo: Ctrl + Y
    • Tools
      • Eyedropper Tool (toggle): E
      • Hand Tool: H
      • Sledgehammer Tool (toggle): K
      • Design Tool (toggle): R
      • Wall Tool: B
      • Toggles Day/Night in B/B: L
      • Allow off-grid placement while dragging around an object: Alt
      • Toggle Grid: G
      • Cycle Between 1/2 tile and 1/4 tile grid snapping for object placement: F5
      • Flood Fill a single wall while placing wall patterns: Alt
      • Flood Fill floor & wall paint while placing floor or wall patterns: Shift
      • Toggle to 1/4 tile floor paint while placing floor tile patterns: Ctrl + F
      • Reduce Terrain Brush Size while Terrain Paint catalog is open: [
      • Increase Terrain Brush Size while Terrain Paint catalog is open: ]
      • Move Terrain Brush Softness Slider to the Left while Terrain Paint catalog is open: ;
      • Move Terrain Brush Softness Slider to the Right while Terrain Paint catalog is open:
      • Toggle Terrain Paint/Eraser while Terrain Paint catalog is open: Ctrl
      • Move Whole House tool: U
      • Toggle Video Recording: V
      • Capture Screenshot: C


  • Camera

    • Toggle Top Down View: T
    • Go to Next Floor Up: Page Up
    • Go to Next Floor Down: Page Down
    • Walls Up: Home
    • Walls Down: End

