50 Free Simpoints (Daily) in the Sims 3 Store

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Update: SimGuruZephyr has helpfully provided the following explanation for the quirkiness of this feature.

Special thanks to Steph

Sadly it is US only.

As for everyone not seeing it… Because the banner is controlled based on the availability of ad inventory, it won’t show up when the inventory is consumed. Which is why some people will see it and when others check later it may already be gone.


The amounts available are limited and I don’t know the numbers we have available so it’s good to check the site every morning to get a chance at it!

I’m not a morning person at all so I totally missed out on today’s worm… maybe tomorrow? :\


Want 50 free daily simpoints? All you have to do is watch an add five times on the Sims 3 Store page! Each time is worth 10 simpoints, and you can watch it 5 times daily! To watch it, just log into the Sims 3 website, go to the Store, and look to the menu on your left; it should be below the categories, but above the sale and simpoints section.

Note that ad blockers will prevent you from seeing this option, and you may have to try a different browser than the one you normally use.



Limitation: U.S. Only


Note: As of 5:45 PM Central Time, this features appears to have stopped working and has not been working since. All reports, both on here and the officials, suggest it is missing. Will update as more information comes in.


Special thanks to Steph for this news.



