The Sims 4: Aspirations & Traits (List)

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Below is a compiled list of Aspirations and Traits that were shown during an E3 CAS demo. It seems that some of the aspirations have more than one subcategory to choose from. For example, I chose the “Deviance” aspiration which gave me the Dastardly bonus trait, and then selected the “Public Enemy” aspiration option, which if completed, would give me the “Mastermind” reward trait.
SimGuruGraham confirmed to me that Aspirations can be changed out at any time. If you decide you don’t like the aspiration you’ve chosen for your Sim, you are allowed to change it. I have listed the bonus & reward traits and descriptions for select traits I was able to view.

❗ Please note this is an E3 list of Aspirations and Traits. The final in game list may vary.





• Athletic

NEWCreativity (Aspiration) – Bonus Trait: Muser – Musers get better boosts to their skills when they’re inspired.


Aspiration Option #1: Painter ExtraordinaireThis Sim wants her life to be all about art and painting!
Reward Trait: Paintbrush RevolutionaryPaintbrush Revolutionaries can see the world in a new, inspiring way.


painter extra


Deviance (Aspiration) – Bonus Trait: Dastardly – Dastardly Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions


Aspiration Option #1: Public EnemyThis Sim wants to make enemies and be a famous criminal
Reward Trait: MastermindMasterminds know just the right things to say to cause anger, sadness, and jealousy in their opponents.

public enemy

Aspiration Option #2: Chief of MischiefThis Sim is all about pranks and mayhem!
Reward Trait: TormentorTormentors can sabotage almost anything, be it an object, or another Sim’s best efforts.



Family (Aspiration) – Bonus Trait: Domestic – Domestic Sims will see their familiar relationships grow stronger faster



Food (Aspiration) – Bonus Trait: Essence of Flavor – Sims with Essence of Flavor make higher quality food and drink




Fortune (Aspiration) – Bonus Trait: Business Savvy – Business Savvy Sims earn more money from their careers



• Knowledge

Love (Aspiration) – Bonus Trait: Alluring – Alluring Sims are more successful at romance than others



Nature (Aspiration) – Bonus Trait: Collector – Collectors can find rare collectibles more often!



• Popularity



• Active
NEW • Ambitious These Sims gain powerful moodlets from career success, gain negative moodlets from career failure, and may become upset if not promoted.
NEW • Art LoverThese Sims gain powerful moodlets from viewing works of art and can Admire Art and Discuss Art in unique ways.
• Bookworm
• Bro
• Cheerful
• Childish – These Sims gain powerful moodlets from watching Kids’ Channel, become Playful when playing with children, and become Happy when playing with Children’s toys.
• Clumsy
• Creative
• Evil
• Family Oriented
FoodieThese Sims become Happy and have Fun when eating good food, become Uncomfortable when eating bad food, and can Watch cooking shows for ideas.
• Geek
• Genius
• Gloomy
• Glutton
• Good
• Goofball
• Hates Children
• Hotheaded
• Insane
• Lazy
• Loner
• Loves OutdoorsThese Sims can enthuse about nature to other Sims, and become Happy when outdoors.
• Materialistic
• Mean Spirited
• Music Lover
• Neat
• Noncommittal
• Outgoing
• Perfectionist
• Romantic
NEW • Self AssuredThese Sims tend to be Confident
• Slob
NEW • Snob These Sims can critique work on low quality items, are bored by “low brow” television, and gain confidence around other Snob Sims.


trait trait 4

trait 3 trait 2
