The Sims 4: Lifetime Rewards (List)

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The Lifetime Rewards Store is a place for Sims to go and purchase reward traits and potions. You purchase from the store using Satisfaction Points, which your Sims collect by completing Whims and Aspirations. You can filter between potions and traits, and the game keeps a tally of your remaining points.

Instant Fun Potion (100 SP) – Instantly Fills the Fun Need

Instant Hygiene (100 SP) – Instantly Fills the Hygiene Need

Confident Potion (200 SP) – Drink this to temporarily make your Sim Confident

Energized Potion (200 SP) – Drink this to temporarily make your Sim Energized

Flirty Potion (200 SP) – Drink this to temporarily make your Sim Flirty

Focused Potion (200 SP) – Drink this to temporarily make your Sim Focused

Happy Potion (200 SP) – Drink this to temporarily make your Sim Focused

Inspired Potion (200 SP) – Drink this to temporarily make your Sim Inspired

Sleep Replacement (400 SP) – Instantly Fills the Energy Need

Always Welcome (500 SP) – Always Welcome Sims will act more at home when at others’ residences, and the hosts won’t mind at all!


Gym Rat (500 SP) – Gym Rats build Fun while exercising and don’t lose Hygeine

Moodlet Solver (500 SP) – Instantly removes all negative Moodlets from your Sim

Speed Cleaner (500 SP) – Speed Cleaners tidy up much faster

Insta-Large (750 SP) – Drink this to become a bigger you!

Insta-Lean (750 SP) – The most efficient diet beverage on the market

Mentor (1000 SP) – Once Mentors reach Level 10 in certain skills, the Mentor interaction becomes available and they can help other Sims improve their skills even more quickly.

Morning Sim (1000 SP) – Morning Sims build extra skill in the morning.

Night Owl – (1000 SP) – Night Owls build extra skill at night.

Speed Reader (1000 SP) – Speed Readers read books faster than your average Sim.

Free Services (1500 SP) – All single use service requests are free.

Marketable (1500 SP) – Marketable Sims sell items they’ve crafted for more Simoleons!

Potion of Youth (1500 SP) – Drink this to turn back the clock on your Sim’s current age

Creative Visionary (2000 SP) – Creative Visionaries have a higher chance of painting and writing masterworks.

Entrepreneurial Sims (2000 SP) Entrepreneurial Sims are more likely to get promoted in their Career

Frugal (2000 SP) – A Frugal Sim’s household has reduced bills.

Independent (2000 SP) – Independent Sim’s Social Need decays slower

Observant (2000 SP) – Observant Sims learn the traits of others just by meeting them

Shameless (2000 SP) – Shameless Sims will never get Embarrassed

Steel Bladder (2000 SP) – Sims with a Steel Bladder rarely have to pat attention to their Bladder Need

Beguiling (2500 SP) – Beguiling Sims can put anyone in a flirty mood with just one look

Antiseptic (3000 SP) – Antiseptic Sims’ Hygiene Need decays much slower

Carefree (3000 SP) – Carefree Sims will never get Tense

Connections (3000 SP) – Sims with Connections start all Careers several levels ahead

Fertile (3000 SP) – Fertile Sims have an easier time when trying for a baby, and a higher chance of twins or triplets


Great Kisser (3000 SP) – Great Kissers have amazing success with kissing, and increase Charisma with every kiss!

Hardly Hungry (4000 SP) – Sim Sims just don’t have much of an appetite

Never Weary (4000 SP) – Never Weary Sims do not need to Sleep

Professional Slacker (4000 SP) – Professional Slackers have no fear of being demoted or fired

Savant (4000 SP) – Savants gain all skills much faster

Super Green Thumb (4000 SP) – Super Green Thumbs will find that the plants they garden have amazing vitality

