The Sims 4: Minimum and Recommended Specs

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With EA releasing the “Recommended” specs for The Sims 4, there seems to be some confusion regarding the difference between “Minimum” and “Recommended” specs. This post is here to explain the difference between these two sets of specs, and help you check to see if your PC is ready going forward.


Minimum Specs: The minimum system requirements list the basic hardware/software required for you to run The Sims 4. If your system meets the minimum system requirements, you will be able to run The Sims 4 Base Game. However, having the “minimum” specs does not guarantee a smooth experience when playing the game, so you may experience slower processing and load times.


(Note: The minimum specs for any single game (base or expansion) only reflect that specific game. They do not reflect the specs of a base game with additional content. The minimum specs for The Sims 4 Base Game become obsolete if you have anything more than the base game installed.)

Click here for The Sims 4 Minimum System Requirements

Recommended Specs: Meeting the recommended system specs will allow you to take full advantage of the game’s features, and will ensure the best performance & experience.

(Note: Even if you meet the recommended requirements with The Sims 4 Base Game installed, please be sure to keep in mind that any additional expansion content will, over time, raise the recommended settings. To ensure the best experience going forward, be sure to upgrade where needed)

Click here for The Sims 4 Recommended System Requirements

Checking to see if your PC meets the requirements is simple. If you know the basics of a PC, access the DirectX Diagnostic Tool to easily check your specs against those of the game. Additionally, you can also use CPU-Z (a free program) to pull up all your system specs. This method is more detailed than the Dxdiag, but it’s easy to use.


DO NOT use websites like “Can You Run it” to determine if your PC can play the game. These kinds of sites will become obsolete after the First Expansion, or any additional “store” content you install.

The results you receive on these types of sites are based purely on ONE game, and only run your PC against the MINIMUM requirements for ONE game. This means that once The Sims 4 has an expansion or any store content, they can not give you a correct result.

