Community Blog: Free Game Update Additions

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We rolled out a free Update to all The Sims 4 players this week. If you’ve loaded up the game recently there’s a good chance you’ve already downloaded the Update. If not, you’re in for a surprise – it’s packed with some great new content, totally free to our players.

Besides general tweaks and fixes which you can read about in the patch notes, this patch adds four updates into the core game: Basements, an upgrade to the easel, two new hairstyles (unlocked thanks to the hard work of the community during WooHoo weekend), and a Bunny Egg Hunt that’ll run through the month of April.



Let’s start with the biggie: Basements and a fourth top-floor. These aren’t just any basements: they’re The Sims 4 basements. You can dig two levels down, and customize them using all of the creative tools available in Build Mode to create absolutely incredible lots. And while we were at it, we added another floor above ground – now, buildings in The Sims 4 can be six floors in total, up from three. @SimGuruRomeo wrote a blog about these changes earlier this week, so feel free to check it out for more information.

If you’re looking for something new to decorate those basements with, there’s something in this Update that’ll do the trick. Easel updates were rolled out in this new patch, and they let your Sims paint portraits of what they can see in the world. Want to portrait of your Sim’s loved one on the wall? Do it! Want to paint a picture of your house to put in your house? A little weird, but we’re not going to get in your way.

We’re also starting a time-limited challenge that’ll run through the month of April. We’re calling it the Bunny Egg Hunt! This month, your Sims might find some interesting decorative eggs scattered around the world. There are ten different designs in all, and they’re part of a new collection that’s only available for the next few weeks. If you collect them all, you’ll unlock a giant stuffed bunny! We’re really excited for these updates, and look forward to seeing all of the amazing creations you make with them.


