Site News: Upcoming Design Changes & Preparation

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As mentioned last week, is about to undergo a Sim-tastic design reboot! With the changes comes tons of preparation, so this post will help you understand some of the changes currently taking place.

Starting today, you will notice that all posts will contain a featured image. If you look at the top of this open post, you will see a yellow “site news” image, and that is an example of the many types of featured images you will start to see around the site. This is only a technical preparation that allows for an easier transition to the new design.


Because we have over 6,400 posts to alter, you may also notice that some posts have duplicate images. Not to worry though, this is merely a back-end measure to ensure posts are displayed properly once we launch the new design. Duplicate images will not be present in the final design.

With that said, I want to thank everyone for your patience during this transition. SimsVIP’s Reboot is going to be unlike anything you’ve ever seen, and we will be giving you a first look at the new design very soon!

