Germany’s Official Sims Magazine Ends Its 6-Year Run

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Germany’s official Sims Magazine has ended their 6-year run within the community. In a final email sent out to subscribers of the magazine, they express the bittersweet feelings of ending their historic involvement within this community.

The October/November issue will be their final release, and the rest is history. Below is the final email sent out by the team, translated for SimsVIP by the lovely Crinrict.


If it can’t get any better, you should stop, a saying says. And even if sayings aren’t correct all the time, it’s true in this case: Our official magazine was on the market for 6 years, the Sims are happy and the variety of play styles is, with all the series parts and expansions, incomparably big At the same time, our habits have completely changed. If we want to know something, we reach for our smart phones, tablets or Computers.

If we want to tell somebody something, share something with a friend or just want to have a laugh, we just use the messaging serviced and social medias. This revolution on the informational and communicational behavior affects all parts of our lives, even our lives with and in the Sims.

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Because of this we will end an era with this issue. The Era of the official Sims Magazine. But no worries, you will continue to be provided with current news, stories and tips & tricks about your favorite game series. In the box you will find sites about the Sims so you’ll be up to speed on all channels. In the last issue you’ll find an extensive retrospect on the history of the Sims and the highlights on our work on the Magazine.


We evaluated which topics were best rated among our readers and have re-polished those to read up on. Every one of the Sims Magazine team has pondered their thoughts about their favorite articles, their best Sims-Moments and historical highlights. The result is a colorful, often very personal flashback on the progress of our favorite game series and the history of the Sims Magazine.


This issue also has a mixture of current stories, tips and workshops on the Sims to prevent you from completely becoming nostalgic. We say thank you and goodbye. We had a simlish time with our readers and it will continue to be so only on different channels. We embark on a new age. The new issue of the Sims – The official Magazine can now be bought in stores and at our shop. Farewell and many greetings to your Sims/





