Be Careful What You Wish For in The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff

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With the release of The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff*, Sims have access to the Whispering Wishing Well, which will alter the fate of your Sim’s lives forever should you dare approach it. Sims can choose from nine different things to wish for, including happiness, romance, youth, simoleons, and more. Be careful what you wish for; those wishes lead to over 50 different outcomes based on the temperament of the well (yes, it’s sentient, and it’s known to be quite moody).


Sims can get a bad romance. Happily, a wish for romance can result in the appearance of a perfect partner with a loving relationship already established. But what happens when wishing for romance when the Whispering Wishing Well is in a foul mood? Well, you may just end up with a new enemy… with benefits. Through a swirling grey and pink puff of smoke emerges a new romantic partner, who your Sim finds completely contemptable but inexplicably attractive. Sparks will definitely fly in this torrid love affair that offers the chance to experience one of the rarest relationship types in the game!


Simoleons can come at a cost. If your Sim’s wildest dreams come true, they may just win the lottery and get showered by simoleons spewing from the well’s maw. However, at times the Whispering Wishing Well enjoys toying with Sim’s whims, and may twist their words against them unexpectedly. One such example is when a Sim wishes for simoleons… instead of simply granting the wish, the well instead presents the Sim with an interesting moral dilemma. It offers up a juicy morsel of gossip, a rumor so vile that if you threatened another Sim with exposing this secret they’d surely pay to ensure your silence. Is blackmailing your way to riches with a trail of enemies in your wake a path you’ll choose to take? This new interaction leaves the choice in your control.


Sims can get a bouncing bundle of BOO! A Sim that’s a prospective parent may use the Whispering Wishing Well to wish for a child in their life, and the well has a number of ways to grant that request. In the perfect scenario, a mini-prodigy pops out of the well equipped with the Genius trait and a zest for life. If the well is feeling particularly grim though, a bile may bubble up and out of its depths, revealing the newest addition to the family… a ghost child! Thankfully the Whispering Wishing Well will listen to a special wish from ghosts as well, which may lead to the following…

Ghostly Sims can be given endless life. A ghost Sim may have been dealt a difficult card in life (or the afterlife), but the Whispering Wishing Well can help. Ghosts can wish for life, and if the well is in an especially generous mood, the ghost Sim may be granted the ultimate reward – a return to the living! Not only will this miraculous revival give the Sim a second chance at life, but a pact will be formed with the Grim Reaper allowing them to escape death in the future. Should they happen to die again from unnatural causes, the Reaper will promptly appear to resurrect them on the spot.



Sims can find happiness to be a curse. The Whispering Wishing Well is known for its perverse sense of humor. There’s perhaps no better example than one particularly delicious case of schadenfreude when the well perceives a Sim as greedily wishing for happiness. One potential outcome sees the Sim lifted off their feet, with the well visibly sucking an aura of happiness out of them, and raining it down into the depths of the well. For the near future the Sim is cursed, with happiness seeping out of them and spreading to other Sims. As those nearby Sims become happier, the cursed Sim sinks further into their malaise. This form of cosmic balance amuses the Whispering Wishing Well. Of course this is only one potential (and drastic) outcome. Not only may your Sim end up walking on sunshine with a very happy moodlet, but all of their happy moodlets will persist even longer than normal for the day!
