The Sims 4: Expanded CAS and Your Custom Content

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Yesterday’s patch updated The Sims 4 to version 1.19.28. Inside the approximate 1.5GB download, players saw a long list of content additions to the game as well as bug fixes. The major feature being the Expanded Create A Sim that converted over 700 assets to unisex for all age groups.

“But what about our custom content?!” Simmers cried out, concerned that they’d be unable to use their list of hundreds, some even thousands, former CAS objects. Thankfully, SimGuruModSquad has shared information to answer that exact question.



If a CAS item is detected by the game automatically as an earlier version, it is considered “legacy”. Any tagging in the CAS part that determines the gender tags such as “Masculine” or “Feminine” will result in it being classified in that filter, and disallowed on the opposite.

Therefore, Legacy Custom Content will work as originally created for The Sims 4. 

SimGuruMod took it even one step further. On the official forums, the team has provided technical information concerning the Expanded CAS update. They have provided PDFs of coding snippets and explanations of how tools can be upgraded to better accommodate the changes made through the patch.

Here is a list of resources for modders to peruse at their leisure:

Additionally, the modding community at Sims 4 Studio is already on the ball! The tool has received a beta update to version that allows players to batch fix their Legacy content. Any bugs or issues are encouraged to be posted in their Error Report forum thread.



With all of the cooperation from The Sims team to provide essential information for the modding community, it likely won’t be too long before we see fully updated tools from our talented modding community. We at SimsVIP look forward to seeing the new generation of custom content moving forward with more options than ever for The Sims 4.
