The Sims: Changes to the Official Forums

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SimGuruDrake has announced some forums changes that will be taking place over on the Official Sims Forums. These changes are said to help moderation and a better experience.

Hello everyone!

A year has passed since I started engaging with all of you on these forums and during that time I’ve been looking at what works and what doesn’t within this space. As such I’ll be making a few changes that will help all of you and additionally will help us with moderation.

I will be breaking this down by sections:

  • The Sims 3
    • This is still a bustling community with a lot of topics of discussion. We will be condensing the Packs sections to no longer contain individual pack conversations. These sections are not as active as they used to be as most activity is happening with the TS3 General Discussion. Soon you will find all the content for all the TS3 Expansion Packs within the TS3 EP Discussion category and the same goes for TS3 Stuff Packs.
    • The Sims 3 UK section will now have it’s content filtered into the appropriate main sections of The Sims 3 area. As there isn’t as much activity in that section and most members are engaging in the general section we feel this will help boost The Sims 3 section and to focus conversation.
  • The Sims 4
    • The Sims 4 Stuff Pack section will now be merged into general discussion.
    • The Sims 4 Expansion Pack section will now contain all conversation in one area for EPs rather than be split up by EPs.
    • The Sims 4 Game Pack section will now contain all conversation in one area for GPs rather than be split up by GPs.
    • The Sims 4 Creative Corner will be merged into it’s own Creative Corner section along side creative sections for Sims 2 and Sims 3. We really want to help highlight our creative community in one space instead of separating by which version you are playing on.

If a section wasn’t listed on here it will not be moved / merged.

Additionally, we will have a fresh new set of rules and guidelines for posting in the forums to continue to ensure that we are staying up to date and to keep this a safe space to communicate and engage with the devs, moderators, and fellow community members.

Thanks and I hope you are all having a wonderful week!
