3/1/12 – Sims 3 Game Update (Patch 1.31)

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Direct Patch DownloadIncremental (192MB) United States (NA Region 1)

Direct Patch DownloadIncremental (192MB)  Europe & Australia (Region 2)

Direct Patch Download – Cumulative (942MB) *Super Patch* All Regions


If you prefer to update automatically, please wait until your launcher shows the update. SimsVIP is in no way liable for any issues after patching.

Thanks to The Sims Style & Rincon Del Simmer for the patch links!


❗ Please make sure to remove ALL MODS & CC! Click here for info and help!



 Patch Notes – Game Update for 1.31

To install this update, please start your game and use the “Updates” tab in your Launcher.


This game update includes the following changes:


  • Post and view messages from your friends while playing, without having to leave or even pause the game.
  • Find new friends and add them to your friends list.
  • Access your Player Profile and Wall from the Options Menu
  • Receive status updates from your friends about their game, and comment!
  • Achievements—view the badges you’ve earned for those you’ve completed, sort and view those you have yet to complete, and find new achievements, which will be introduced to your game regularly!
  • Edit and view your Player Profile, including your avatar, My Story, and wall posts all about you!
  • Get all of the latest and exciting news from The Sims 3!
  • You can now specify what outfit your Sim will wear to work by using a dresser.
  • When a Service NPC joins the family, their special service outfit is added to the wardrobe.

