Sims 3 University Life Achievements

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The Sims 3 University adds brand new Achievements for you to complete in your game. There are a total of 59 New Achievements. Below is a list explaining each brand new achievement in alphabetical order.

❗ For a complete up to date list of all Sims 3 PC Game Achievements, click here.





New Sims 3 University Achievements (PC) 3/1/13



10 for 100 (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University

Description: Sell 10 blogs for at least 100 Simoleons each.


10 to the 4th Simoleons (Platinum) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn 10,000 Simoleons by correlating Scientific Data.


Breakup Text (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Use a text message to breakup with someone.


Cinnamony (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Add cinnamon to a meal then give a cinnamon kiss and have some Cinnamon WooHoo.


Communicator (Silver)  *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn a Degree in Communications.


Conventional Game Conventions (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: As a Game Studio Head, hold 3 video game conventions.


Digital Connection (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Unlock the SimFinder App and find 10 Sims.


Double Dog Dared (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Complete 10 Dare Opportunities.


Everything’s Better with Herbs (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Add herbs to meals 20 times and burn 20 herbs in a Bonfire.


Exams for Sale (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Sell exam answers to 5 Sims.


Final Destination (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Rant about death until the Reaper arrives.


Fine Artist (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn a degree in Fine Arts.


Following the Numbers (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: As a Sports Analyst, analyze statistics on a smart phone 6 times.


Getting Physical (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn a Degree in Physical Education.


Giving the Business (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn a degree in Business.


Herbal Remedy (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Get a Buzz Crash then eat some Sweet Grass.


Herbs & Beans (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Eat each of the 12 Herbs and 5 Coffee Beans raw.


High Tech (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn a Degree in Technology.


In the Buff (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Sketch 5 nude Sims.


Kegs and Pixels (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Do a keg stand and then go streaking.


Lane Champion (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Go bowling with another Sim 15 times.


Logged In (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Play 5 online games.


Long Distance Kisser (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a Sim with the Irresistible trait wink and blow kisses 20 times.


Love at First Sight (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Succeed with the heat of the moment kiss 5 times.


Major Master (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Fulfill the Major Master Lifetime Wish.


Master of the Musical Destiny (Silver)

Description: Fulfill the Hit Movie Composer Lifetime Happiness Wish.


Master of the Rockin’ Destiny (Silver)

Description: Fulfill the Rock Star Lifetime Happiness Wish.


My Mind to your Thoughts (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Mind Meld with 10 Sims and Win 10 trivia challenges.


New Relationships (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Transmogrify 5 relationships.


New Shiny Thing (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Show off a new gizmo 10 times.


On the Spot (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Conduct 15 live interviews with the Mobile Radio Station.


Opportunist (Silver)

Description: Complete 30 Opportunities.


Planning Presentation (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Practice a presentation 10 times with the Business Planner.


Plant Kisses (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a PlantSim give 10 flower kisses and 10 poison kisses.


Positive Potential (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Find all 4 positive outcomes from the Group Science Project.


Professional Barista (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Make 10 drinks at a Barista Bar.


Professional Student (Platinum) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn all 6 Degrees with one Sim.


Romantic Photos (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Take a romantic photo with someone 20 times.


Saving for School (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Complete 5 Day Jobs.


Savviest Scanner (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: As a Savvy Scanner, scan 5 works of art.


Scientific Sim (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Earn a Degree in Science & Medicine.


Send in The Clones (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Clone 24 Sims from scientific samples.


Silver Tongue (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: As an Agent of Truth, negotiate 3 contracts.


So Irresistible it Hurts (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a Sim with the Irresistible trait boast about their good looks and talk about being irresistible 3 times.


So Rad (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a Sim with the Avant Garde trait describe 10 radical ideas.


So You Want a Revolution (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Announce 20 protests from a Podium.


Sterling Scholar (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Graduate with a perfect GPA.


Street Artist (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Fulfill the Street Art Skill Lifetime Wish.


Sunlight and Water (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a PlantSim photosynthesize and absorb 20 puddles.


Tag (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Tag 10 walls.


Tastes Like Foot (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a Sim with the Socially Awkward trait put their foot in their mouth 5 times.


Texterity (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Send 50 text messages.


That Was It (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a Sim with the Socially Awkward trait miss the opportune moment.


Tough to Please (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Have a Sim with the Avant Garde Trait critique 40 times.


Trying to Fit In (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Complete 10 Social Group Opportunities.


Unlocking Sim Potential (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Perform the genius IQ interaction on the Brain Enhancing Machine 10 times.


We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Practice the school cheer 5 times.


WooHoo, Herbs and Guitar (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: As a Rock Star burn Sweet Grass in a Bonfire and WooHoo with a Sim at the Theater.


WooHooty! (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life

Description: Send 3 WooHooty texts.


