SimCookie Previews Sims 3 Pets

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So you want more info on Sims 3 Pets?  Good, cause SimCookie has a preview for you!  From Interactions to Lifetime Wishes, they have it all!  Check it out!


The Gamescom in a few words: it is one of the largest European exhibition of video games. Each year thousands of visitors with journalists and visitors gather to discover the next game. This year EA introduced many of its games in public and of course we had the right to take photos but not videos. So it is certain that the producers not answered all your questions, some were classified as confidential.

Around 24:15 am we were entering a large room offering us gifts (agenda, necklace, usb key …) and we left this room in 13:00. In the foreground we have a noble and The Sims Medieval pirates, then The Sims 3 Pets & Company on Xbox and finally the PC version.


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