SimGuruRyan – Plastic Surgery, Spawning, & Other Bits

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Some new info in from SimGuruRyan on Twitter.  Plastic Surgery for Sims, Auto-Spawners for Pets (uh oh!) and a whole bunch of other bits have been confirmed.  Thanks to The Black Scorpion from SimPrograms as well for giving me a heads up on the newest info since I’ve been out of town. 🙂


♦ Pets will include new theme music at start up

♦ Music in Pets includes songs by Lenka Kripac & Asher Roth

♦ The music from the Town Life trailer will be on the radio station in Pets

♦ Horse Saddles are completely customizable

♦ Dog & Cat collars are completely customizable

♦ Sims cannot walk cats on a leash, but you can take them in the car with you and hold them –  (hey my cat loves his leash!) 😛


♦ Playable Pets will be able to interact with non-playable Pets as well

♦ The genetics system for Sims applies to Pets as well

♦ Pets do have wishes

♦ Only adult Pets can learn skills

♦ Pets and Wild animals will be able to interact, however they will not create relationships

♦ Wild Animals & other minor Pets will auto-spawn in other neighborhoods. (no spawner placing required) – Add this to the crazy memory system, and you have a computer explosion waiting to happen!

♦ Wild Animal spawning will not have a disable option – No animal spawn mod here I come!

♦ PitBulls, Great Danes, Chow Chows, Pugs & Pomeranians are confirmed as Pre-Set breeds

♦ Plastic Surgery will be included for Sims


