Penguin Tech – Sims 3 Pets Review

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Dutch site Penguin Tech has a 7 page review and overview of Pets for PC! Make sure to check out all 7 pages! 🙂


The Sims 3 Pets is the fifth expansion for The Sims 3 that finally brings that many Sims fans have time to wait for pets! The key in this game animals are horses, dogs and cats but can also have several small animals are kept. In this review we will deal with important aspects of the game.


First, we pay some attention to  for the basic game. With each new expansion or accessories for The Sims 3 appears often an update for all games. The update for the basic game includes a number of features often associated with the new expansion. With this patch the collections for both buy and build mode added.

You can now buy the catalog and the building mode themselves collections (folders) to create certain items you use frequently. So you can find everything faster so you your Sims homes will be able to organize quickly. Below you can already see a number of icons that you can go choose.




Source: SimsNieuws 

