Simway’s Showtime Preview!

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The Sims 3 Showtime is in a month, on 8 March 2012, the market and we have already alluded to it for you! On 8 February is for you, our team traveled to the German headquarters of EA and has come up with the game show. But in addition to the game we were, of course, as always interview a producer, we can taste the delicious food have spoken with our colleagues from the other fan sites and even Pietro Lombardi and Sarah Angel hit by DsdS. Thus, this visit was a highlight for us and we would like to take this opportunity to EA, especially Torsten Haase, Marc Goroll and thank Andrea Gunther!

Electronic Arts in Cologne, the event opened with a little presentation for us. Then we were allowed to fall for the first time on the computer, as well as the buffet, and gather the first impressions of the game. Then came Peter and Sarah and we were both interviewed. Peter himself was also keen interest in us and posed many questions. After autograph and photo sessions with the stars, we went back to our stars and played extensively on the new add-on. We looked at the careers, wrote down the new objects, stayed on new life rewards and much more. After the interview with producerMike Cox also has the time went by in a flash and we had been making their way home soon.
All in all it was a beautiful day in Cologne. And after this introduction and the acknowledgments, we wish you a lot of fun with our article on The Sims 3 Showtime. Note, however, that the game is still not final at this point and all the features described on the level of development at that time. Unfortunately, we were allowed to make any screenshots.




