Giveaway #6 – Ohhhh I Caaaaare! *Ended*

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We have a winner! jameesnuffer answered correctly with 16! Congrats! Jamee, check your email shortly for details!

A new winner has been chosen because the previous winner is using two accounts. Congrats to niv who is our new winner!


Ok, so my little cousin came up with an idea for one of the giveaways, and I think it’s perfect for a Sims 3 Pets Prima Guide!

You will need to watch the video below (or link here), and count how many times Beyonce says “I Care” or “Cared”. BUT! Here is the twist!….

You need to count and post how many Care’s or Cared’s she says from Minute 1:15 to Minute 3:19 ! The first person to post the correct answer, wins! GO GO GO !




You can Scroll to Minute 1:15! 
