SimGuruTaterTot (yum!) Wants Feedback

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SimGuruTaterTot (yum!) has posted in forums asking simmers to give him some ideas for his blog! He has posted his first blog today, and it looks like that will be the “go-to” spot for sneak peeks and more. Check it out!


Hi Everyone,

For the last while I’ve been dying to have a place where I could tell about all of the cool things happening in the store. A place where sneak peeks could live, coupon codes could flourish, sales could be seen and events get promoted. Not only that I see some really cool people floating around the site and even though we can’t post about everyone I wanted to shout out some of the lovely things happening on the site. Also! We (a number of us here!) want to answer some of the question you have about the store and we want to give a place for that to let you know that we’re really listening and doin’ out best to create amazing content that you guys will enjoy.

I’m not sure how often i’ll be able to post, but i’m hoping it’s frequently!  I’m going to test it out this week and see how it goes. If you like the idea let me know! If it’s terrible then…maybe I won’t do it. LOL!

Happy Monday everybody! I hope this week rocks for you all.


