RE: Supernatural’s Prima Guide

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Many of you are aware that Prima Games offered me the task of being author to Supernatural’s Prima Guide, and I accepted. I began the project, but unfortunately I am not able to complete the guide. Due to some unforeseen personal issues, I must remove myself from the project. Have no fear though, there will still be a Prima Guide written by the lovely Catherine Browne. (Thanks for jumpin’ in to save the day Catherine! 🙂 )
I will be taking a short leave of absence from the site as I attend to family, and I have set up our Admin Pene with everything she needs to handle the site. I’m unsure how long I will be out for, but I will keep you updated. Also, as long as everything in my personal world is back in order by September, I will try my best to write up a Supernatural Guide here on SimsVIP once the game is released.


Thank you for your understanding.


