CAW Wiki Reviews Sunlit Tides

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Sunlit Tides. It’s a bit cheesy, but in a good way. It’s not trying to be a beautiful South Pacific island nearly as much as it’s trying to be a dramatically photoshopped picture in a tourist brochure, but it does this very well. If I hadn’t spent so much time in the Pacific personally, I suspect this is the sort of place I would imagine, and it also resembles what I’ve heard about the tourist-y regions of Hawaii and American Samoa. It’s based on the ideal of paradise. It may also just be that I’ve never been to the parts of the Pacific it draws from most.




Like Lucky Palms, the world brings us fantastic new CAW assets for a hefty price. Sunlit Tides is volcanic, and consequently lush, with coconut palms, frangipani, and hibiscus. It has all the basic elements of a South Pacific island, though not the hues. It’s still beautiful, and combined with NRaas Traveler it will satisfy many players’ desires for an official vacationing world.




