There are new features available in game for those who update to patch 1.38. These features are available to all players with or without Supernatural. Some images below have been re-sized to fit the post, so click to enlarge!
Full “In Game” Store
Patch 1.38 features an addition to build/buy mode that creates the ability to view the entire Sims 3 Store in game. This option is not optional, but you will not see it unless you choose the “See only Store items” button. Disabling Shop Mode will not
This feature also provides your Simpoint balance
New Population Controls
New population controls have been added that allow you to select/deselect options for your game. These options are game-wide, so you will not be able to customize individual saves.
❗ If you have Late Night installed, you will also have the option to turn off Celebrities & Vampires.
❗ If you have Pets installed, you will also have the option to turn off Horses and Pets
❗ If you have Supernatural installed, you will also be able to Turn off Witches, Fairies & Werewolves
Thanks to Lisa & Moza for the screen! 🙂

New CAS Options
Patch 1.38 adds brand new Skin Tones & Sliders for your Sims. Included is a “Rainbow” like skin tone which allows you to create very unique Sims.
The new Face sliders that have been added are: Ear Orbit, Ear points, Jaw Underbite, Brow Definition & Nostril Rotate
Gifting System
A new feature has been added to the in game profile. You now have the options to send and receive gifts from within the game. Once you first log in, you will find your first gift waiting for you from The Sims team.
❗ When you receive a new gift and you are logged in, you will be notified via notification and/or the mailbox on your home lot. Gifts can be sent and received via the mailbox as well.
❗ You are only allowed to send 5 gifts per day. There is also a tracking system to let you know how many you have sent out.
❗ Gifts include Elixirs and everything from Cars to Simoleons.
To send or receive a gift, use your in game profile, or the mailbox on your home lot.
Once you have selected the gifting option, you will be greeted with a pop up. From this screen you will be able to choose a friend, select a gift and even attach a special note. Friends will receive notification of a new gift and accept.
❗ When accepting a gift, you will be directed to your Gifting Section in your profile.
Updated Collection Journal
Patch 1.38 expands the Collection Journal and allows you to view everything from what you’ve collected, to what types of collectibles there are in town. The new journal can be found in the UI under your Sims inventory. This journal also keeps tabs on how many of each collectible you have collected.

Create A Ghost (Including Supernatural’s)
Patch 1.38 has updated a ghost’s CAS options by adding the ability to choose death types for Sims, and keep them. The easiest way to make it happen according to Tom and Annabelle, is to Edit the – already ghostly – Sim in CAS, Choose a death type, Save to the Bin and exit. Once you go into Edit Town to “Create a New Household”, you will be able to select the ghost and drop it into your household.
I tested this to see if it works, and it sure does! It is note worthy that you remember which Sim you customized as a ghost because it will show up in your CAS Sim Bin as a regular, non-ghostly, Sim. If you Edit a Ghost in CAS, make changes and then exit, the Sim will not change appearances. The steps above must be followed to make this happen.
All credit goes out to swdknight who first discovered this. 🙂