Supernatural Game Guide Progress

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*Update 9/7/12* – As of right now I am 70% complete with the guide (and still working on it!). This has to be the most detailed and tiresome guide I have ever written. 😛
Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that I should have the guide @ 100% and publicly available by Sunday. If I need more time, I will update you. Thanks for your patience. 🙂




I have received a ton of emails asking about SimsVIP’s Sims 3 Supernatural Game Guide. I just wanted to let everyone know that I have been in progress since Saturday night. There are tons of new features and information to gather, so this guide is gonna be a biggie!


I want to create the most accurate and helpful guide for our readers, so please bear with me while I do just that. My projected date of release is Friday September 7th. I may or may not need more time, but that is when I expect to have it up. In the meantime, know that I am working hard to get the guide out ASAP. Thank you for your patience.



