Gaming Illustrated Reviews Supernatural

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Thanks to Supernatural’s inclusion of paranormal and fantasy elements, Sims fanatics (sometimes affectionately called “Simmers”) can now build and control the ultimate virtual reality. If you’re a Simmer like me you’re probably tired of building elaborate homes, fostering perfect families, and then destroying everything with a violent divorce or premature death (adds a little “real life” drama). In fact, if you’re a veteran of “Simming” you’ve probably grown accustomed to wreaking havoc. Perhaps you’ve been criticized in the past for being a malicious Maxis god and intentionally tormenting your Sims. Well, rest easy my bored yet dedicated Simmers: The Sims 3 Supernatural is here to deliver you from habitual destruction.



I want to inform readers and fellow Simmers that The Sims 3 Supernatural is a detailed expansion pack. This review simply cannot give intricate accounts of all the possibilities and new activities. Thus, this review will focus on major additions in hopes of shining light on Supernatural’s glory. So what sets Supernatural apart from its predecessors?




