Girl Gamers UK Review The Sims 3 Seasons

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The Sims 3 Seasons is the eighth expansion pack for The Sims 3 and one expansion you can’t afford to miss out on. This new expansion allows you to control different elements of the seasons within your Sim town, such as altering the length of the various seasons, to including the occurrence of fog, hail, snow and rain.




During the course of each of these seasons, the climate and temperature can change from day to day, affecting your Sim and the world around them. The effects on your Sim town can change rapidly, from leaves falling from trees to snow piling high up on vehicles. These weather changes can allow your Sim to be involved in a number of activities, dependent on the season. So for instance, in the Summer time you can go rolling skating in the park and for the very first time go swimming in the sea.





