The 1970’s: A time of fab fashion, cool cats and disco!

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The Sims 3 Community Blog

The 70’s are definitely my favorite decade featured in The Sims 3 70’s, 80’s, & 90’s Stuff Pack. This was kind of unexpected for me, because I am a child of the 80’s and 90’s, but the 70’s objects are really unique and give a totally retro feel to my Sims’ homes that I don’t think I’ve really been able to showcase previously.
The Stereophonic Super Cabinet is one of my favorite 70’s objects (and probably one my favorite objects in the pack, too). My parents had something similar to it when I was a kid so there’s a little bit of nostalgia there. Unfortunately, er, fortunately, they didn’t make me listen to disco but I can make up for that now with The Sims 3 70’s, 80’s, & 90’s. The pack features three new radio stations, including disco, which I am pretty excited about! The disco beats may sound familiar to longtime Sims fans as they were lovingly resurrected from the original The Sims (yep!) making them an awesome addition to this already retro pack.


The funny thing about objects for the 70’s is I can imagine using them not only in a retro themed home, but in a futuristic one too. The Hoverflame Floating Fireplace is really unique and versatile. If you place it outside it literally floats, attached to nothing, making it an interesting patio piece in a space world, don’t you think? The Lightsplosion is a fiber optic decor object featuring a rainbow of color – another great piece for the 70’s or the future!

Additionally, the 70’s brings us many interesting new options for our Sims to wear. My favorite 70’s hair style for women is a short, neatly styled cut. I think it works great for formal and every day wear. There is even a new 70’s style moustache for men (and yes, it’s available for Elders, too!)

For clothing there are many choices, but the disco attire is definitely the defining look for the decade. The men’s disco suit is full body and the open top leaves plenty of room to showcase your Sim’s chest hair.
The women have some equally great clothing options too. There is a t-shirt I love that has three stencils: a roller skate, a bicycle and a popsicle. I think it’s an awesome piece for Sims with the Childish trait. And, of course, there are bell bottoms! Not only are these flared legged pants a blast from the past but with their recent revival in today’s fashion, they work for modern looking Sims as well.
That’s a wrap on all the fun items you’ll find for the 70’s decade. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about it and we look forward to seeing your comments and feedback.
Sarah Holding, Associate Producer, The Sims 3

