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Origin Exclusive School Spirit Pack
• Campus Cruiser: Get to your classes on time and in style on this sleek, modern scooter.
• Head of the Class: Your Sims can sport this classic, low-maintenance look that says they didn’t have time to do their hair because they were up late studying—or partying!
• “You Got Spirit” Face Paint: Get ready for the big game and make sure everyone knows your allegiance by wearing your school colors—on your face.
• Mascot Magic Face Paint: Some say painting the fierce, fighting llama on your face does not actually impact the outcome of the game. You know different. Do you want to win or what?

University Life Limited Edition Content
The Party Pack features the Partaeus Maximus statue which will give Sims the ability to throw the themed costume bash of their lives. The pack comes with brand new togas, laurel leaves and masquerade masks for those classic college parties.
Partaeus Maximus will not only let you choose between toga, masquerade, formal, sleepwear, and swimwear parties, but will also boost the moods of all of your party guests.

University Life Registration Bonus Content
Mascot Attack Pack – Whether your loyalties lie with the Fighting Llamas or the Walloping Kangaroos, you’ll want to wear your mascot on your … er, wall. Which you can do with this mascot set!