The Game Effect Reviews Sims 3 University Life

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The Sims series has been a staple in the simulation gaming world for over a decade. Electronic Arts has consistently churned out expansion and stuff packs over the 4-year lifespan of The Sims 3; so it’s no surprise that content can feel repetitive and unimagin

The Sims 3: University Life begins when a Sim chooses to take the Sim University Aptitude Test.Upon completion of the test, Sims are given scholarships and financial aid towards one of six majors: Technology, Science and Medicine, Fine Arts, Business, Physical Education and Communications. Once a Sim chooses to attend university, they can choose the amount of attempted credits (6, 12 or 18) and the time they wish to spend at university (Either 1 or 2 semesters at a time). Your Sim will then be whisked off in a tacky-looking moving van similar to those “College Hunks Move Junk” trucks.

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