Introducing: SweetPoyzin!

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Hey there!  SweetPoyzin here and I am lucky enough to be the new author on the block!  For those of you who haven’t met me I thought I would take this time to let you all know a little bit about me.

I have enjoyed The Sims franchise since the original game came out way back when.  I had previously enjoyed other Maxis games and I thought I’d give it a shot.  Here we are, 13 years later, and I am still hopelessly addicted.  The only difference now is that I have to fit my gaming self in with my grown-up self (which is not nearly as fun as it sounds).


In my real life, I attend college full-time in pursuit of degrees in Art History and English Literature.  I also write for a magazine, but that’s not my real job.  I am a Certified Veterinary Technician and that is what I use to pay the bills.  I am also engaged to a wonderful man.  However, I will always be owned by my cat (at least as far as she is concerned).   In short, I wear many hats and I rarely sleep.

Here at SimsVIP I will write reviews, update on Sims news, and answer your questions and comments.  Find me as SweetPoyzin on a social network near you!
