Giveaway #2 (Take 2) – Scavenger Hunt! *ENDED*

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We have a winner! Congrats to lulu1295 who was the first person to comment with the correct answer. Lulu check your email!

1.)Sims 3 Expansion Pack-Pets. Tye dye towel
2.)Sims 3 Achievments. Shells and sand
3.)Sims 3 Town Life Manual-Beach Ball
4.)Sims 3 Premium content guide-Blue and white beach chair
5.)Sims 3 Supernatural-Genie Section-A hand with sand in it
6.)Sims 3 Seasons/Spring-Sunny beach





Scavenger Hunt


Throughout the entire website’s pages (look up top!) I have hidden RANDOM PHOTOS of different scenes/objects. These scenes/object photos have nothing to do with the Sims 3, and as a matter of fact, don’t even belong on the site.
The first person to comment with the photo name, page that it was found on, and what the THEME of the photos as a whole are, wins The Sims 3 Seasons Expansion & an Official Sims 3 bracelet!



This is what you MUST reply with!


1) Theme of the photos as a whole

2) The 6 Correct Answers (All photos) AND The titles (names) of the pages you found each clue on.

3) Make sure you use a valid email when commenting so I can email you with prize details!

…and FYI – Clues are not included on the Player Creations Tab/Section

