Happy 2nd Birthday SimsVIP!

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Happy Birthday SimsVIP! :mrgreen:


Here we are, two whole years later, celebrating another SimsVIP Birthday. Wow! I really do not even know where to begin with this, but I do know that some Thank You’s are in order.
First and foremost, a huge thank you to all the readers. Some of you have been here since day one, others hopped on board mid game, and many of you will be visiting today for the first time. Thank You! We started off with a little over 50 readers each day, and since then, this site has far exceeded my expectations. The readers are what make this site the success it is, so you own this!
Next on the thank you list is Georgefplay & Petar, aka: TARP and QueenPe! (inside joke) These two gentlemen are not only very good friends of mine, but they also play a big role in the creative side of SimsVIP. George just bites his tongue while I nit pick at site banners for 4 days, and Petar deals with my crazy requests when coding the website. Without them, I have no idea what I would do.
Finally, I have to give a long overdue Thank You to the gang. Ladies, you all know who you are, and you all know how much I love you. Sisters for life! ♥
Thank You to everyone once again for making SimsVIP what is it today, and be sure to join us on April 6th for the big party! Have a great weekend everyone!
