Giveaway #15 – It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere! *Ended*

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We have a winner! Congrats to Tussler who posted all the requirements first!

2 “5 o’clocks!”


Part One – How Many?

Check out this video from :40 – 2:00 minutes, and tell me how many times the word “5 O’Clock” is said.


Part Two – Create A Sim Madness

Find the following two Create A Sim models, (they come with base game), and dress them up the same way I have below! They must be barefoot and have the same clothing on!


Screenshot-255 Screenshot-254

Once you have dressed up the models, take a full body screenshot in create a sim like I did above. This should be two separate photos, with the Sims dressed exactly as shown above, and Sims must be in the center of the photo.
Next, take the two Sims into Sunset Valley’s cemetery, and take ONE photo of them both in front of the mausoleum. I must be able to see the Science Facility in the background, so make sure it is in the photo!

Finally, take them both into CAS, change their skin color to red, and take a headshot of each model with red skin. The Sims must be centered in the photos as show below!

Screenshot-257 Screenshot-258

First person to complete the following (and post in ONE COMMENT) will win!

♦ How many “5 O’Clocks”
♦ Two photo links of the same Sims in CAS (Full Body Shots-Centered)
♦ One photo link of both Sims in front of Sunset Valley’s Cemetery Mausoleum (With the Science Facility Showing in the photo!)
♦ Two photo links of the same Sims in CAS (Red Skin, Headhshot, Centered)

