Comment to Win Barnacle Bay! *Ended*

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And random number generator has spoken! The chosen number is 10 (no winners), 17, 1, and 9! Because none of the numbers were selected more than 10 times, I had to generate three additional numbers. Winners, please check your emails shortly as I will email you details on the prize.


♦ Andrew (17)

♦ simmersimsim (17)

♦ trashy (17)

♦ Priya (17)

♦ Cat (17)

♦ Sims3games (1)

♦ Bookie (9)

♦ Maxim (9)

♦ ixals (9)

♦ Simstabloid (9)


random 1

Barnacle Bay Codes have been donated by (Say Thanks!):

♦ Amanda

♦ Angel Dove Player

♦ AugustMR

♦ Trish

♦ Arneter

♦ IllusoryThrall

♦ Pamela

♦ Anonymous

♦ Janet

♦ Jennifer


