The Game Scouts: Sims 3 Island Paradise Review

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Shrieking sirens rip through the airways, jolting you from cool inertia into wide-eyed bewilderment. What the hell was that? Curls of smoke lick the horizon as the cacophony intensifies and it becomes woefully clear that the blaze is not only real, it’s nearby.  In fact, you’ve barely cleared the perimeter of your houseboat, which you now realize is most definitely totally and completely on fire.



Your eyes focus in on the silhouette flailing through the smog covering the top deck and all suspicions are confirmed. Two realizations dawn on you: that new roommate is moments away from leaving you homeless and short 70,000 simoleons, and scuba diving today at Rocky Reef is kind of out of the question.  Thankfully, logic in The Sims Universe skews for the strange in both directions: while burning a plate of waffles can be life changing, even the worst inferno can be calmed by a single fire extinguisher.




