CapitalSims Interview with Grant Rodiek

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From CapitalSims

Translated from Spanish


Today we had the opportunity to interview exclusively for Capital Sim to Grant Rodiek and ask some of your questions:

Capital Sim: Why focus on a new Sims 4 and somehow leave TS3 and TS2?

Grant Rodiek: We are a very creative and always have the need to continue working and innovating. TS3 did not permit the introduction of emotions, the new design concept, multitasking, etc.. It was time to start something new.


CS: The forum posters are concerned about the requirements for this new saga pc
GR: We have no information yet, but you can always try to play my best in most platforms.

CS: Are you going to incorporate new cultures?
GR: We always try to be a Sims game on the global level. When we incorporate eg, a sport, try to avoid other than specifically American as baseball. We have a large fan base worldwide, including European and Asian, and tried to appeal to everyone ”

CS: What percentage of realism vs. fantasy we find in LS4? With the incorporation of emotions, does that mean that the game will be more focused on reality?
GR: The Sims has always been characterized by a mixture of realism and fantasy hyperbolism in all sagas. We will continue to maintain this mix of reality and TS4 surprise.


Many thanks to Grant Rodiek for this fantastic opportunity!

Translation may not be 100% accurate; please feel free to post corrections.
