Sims 4: Maxis Developing In-Game Sharing Platform

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Talking about the idea of developing a platform similar to Diablo 3’s Auction House within The Sims 4, where players could share – and possibly even sell – their designs and lots, producer Ryan Vaughan revealed that it was “definitely” part of Maxis’ plans. “Unfortunately we’re not going into too much detail on the sharing right now, but we are working on a way to bring all of that community, all of that sharing and connecting with people across the world into the game.


“In The Sims 3, you were doing a lot of it through the Sims website – you could upload creations and stuff. We’re bringing all of that and making the experience in the game so people are able to connect with other people and grab somebody else’s house and try it out in their own lot. We have a lot more detail to get into in the next few months but it’s definitely a big part of what we’re working on.”




