Former Artist: “The Sims 4 Completely Mismanaged”

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It’s a sad day today, as we learn that numerous people have been laid off at EA’s Salt Lake offices. According to IGN “all of Maxis” in Utah is gone. Some have migrated to EA Redwood in California, but many others were left in the dust.
One of those left in the dust is concept artist Jace Wallace. He is known for creating numerous concepts for The Sims 3, and has some amazingly beautiful work on his website. Unfortunately, he was one of the many affected by today’s layoffs. He took to his twitter with the following:

Who better to express the state of The Sims studio, than one of their own. It’s a sad day for all the possible Store and/or Expansion Pack Gurus we’ve lost, and an even sadder day to hear that The Sims 4 may be a victim of circumstance. To all who lost their job today, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

*Update*The original tweets were deleted (although still embedded above), so here are images of the tweets:

Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

