PCGames Previews The Sims 4

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The big game of life goes into a new round: We have The Sims 4 looked at us at E3 2014 and tell you in our preview all the new emotions of the virtual manikin, the comfortable control and the online gallery for download from rooms houses and Sims. Oh, Chuck Norris, and a certain Korean dictator are too!

We are not dropped dead with laughter, but the one time or another we finally giggled like a little girl: The 20-minute E3 presentation of The Sims 4 was great fun. Perhaps the largest in the fair between all these gray-brown shooters and role-playing epic.


Firstly, because the game comes so sympathetic, as one is used to from the series, me bold colors, the grotesque, exaggerated animations and facial expressions and funny random situations in the current Bland, the standalone Sims AI is thanks. Secondly, it is thanks to the two Maxis producer Ryan Vaughan and Graham Nardone, which concerned her presentation with a lot of enthusiasm and a healthy dose of irony – and their authentic replica Sims avatars their role models not only saw confusingly similar to, but also with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un lived in an apartment and have brought Chuck Norris do in terms of muscle training. Kim bakes the way for his life like cake!


