Digital Spy Interviews SimGuruRyan

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It’s always brought up when you talk about any entry to the Sims series – through its 14-year history, people have taken great joy in… well, murdering their little computer people.
Ryan Vaughan, producer for The Sims 4, is acutely aware of this. “One of the things people always ask for is new ways to kill their Sims,” he laughed.
So that’s just what The Sims 4 introduces. The increased focus on the emotional states of your characters means there are more ways for them to pass away, like laughing themselves to death after a housemate sets a cupcake machine on fire, or getting so angry they pop their clogs on the spot.
“We didn’t just want to make a brand new way [to die]. We wanted to tie it to the core new simulation experience, with emotions and personalities and things like that,” Vaughan told Digital Spy.
“It seemed to fit really well that you could embarrass your Sim to death, or you could have them be so hysterical that they laugh to death. You even have the ability now to push your Sim into such a deep rage that they’ll keel over and die from anger.

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