Everybody Plays (UK): The Sims 4 Preview

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One of the first, and coolest things we got to do during our recent trip out to Cologne for gamescom was to get to go hands-on with a near-finished build of the Sims 4. But while Sarah got to work making a digital version of her and I, giving them a personality of their own before playing God over their lives, I took a slightly different approach, and delved into the pre-built scenario saves instead.


Intended to show off the various weird and wacky situations your Sims could find themselves in, one starred two warring scientists, one was a star crossed relationship that would never work out – and the other, was set in a bar. Here, a young male Sim who we’ll call Joe Noluck, possessor of a spectacular bachelor pad (more of a mansion if we’re honest) and a winning quiff, has his heart set on Hildegard Tuget, a fiery ginger with a temper to boot. We’re not making this up either, she really does have a fiery temper – it’s one of her traits.



Hat Tip: BeyondSims
