EverybodyPlays: Hitting The Motherlode in The Sims 4

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The Sims is a game that needs no introduction. Whether you like to create epic love stories, build fantastical mansions or just like locking people in a toilet and deleting the door, the virtual social simulator that is The Sims has taken the world by storm. With the release date of the fourth installment drawing ever closer, we got to go hands-on with a near final build of the Sims at giant German games expo, gamescom. While you’ll already have seen what Ian got up to with the game (in a piece that became “How (not) to fall in love on the Sims 4), I took the slightly more serious approach, and delved straight under the hood to see what’s new.


As always, your game starts with the character creator, where you get to design your virtual people, in a much more user-friendly way than ever before. Choosing from a number of pre-set skin tones, hairstyles and outfits, you can create your Sims in the much the same way as you have in the past – but where the funky part comes in, is that now you can make fine adjustments to their body shape. Gone are the awkward sliders (well, technically they’re still there), and instead you can simply click on your characters thighs, chest or waistline and drag your cursor around until it looks right, to edit your Sim in real time 3D. It’s a lot easier than before, and really helps when it comes to getting the small details right.




