Guide: The Sims 4 Fishing Skill + Fish List

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The Fishing Skill helps Sims catch a variety of fishes, and is beneficial for Sims looking to use their own ingredients for Cooking. This guide covers everything you need to know about Fishing.

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The Sims 4 Fishing Skill

Sims can raise their Fishing skill by fishing in a pond or at any of the fishing posts around town. Once your Sim begins fishing, they will automatically advance to level 1 of the Fishing Skill. Sims can also learn and increase their Fishing skill by reading fishing skill books.


❗ Fish can be used in Food Recipes as ingredients.
❗ Fish can be used as Fertilizer when Gardening.
❗ Completing the Angling Ace Aspiration gives Sims the “Angler’s Tranquility” trait. This trait will remove all negative moodlets (non-motive related) when Sims fish.

There are a total of 22 fish to find in the game, some of which can only be found in Sylvan Glades and Forgotten Grotto. Entry to Forgotten Grotto requires a level 10 in the Handiness Skill, so you will not be able to complete your Fish Collection unless your Sim has mastered this skill.
The following interactions are available when leveling up in the Fishing Skill:

Level 1 Fishing Skill – Sims can catch fish, mount fish on a wall, and keep them in fish bowls.


Level 2 Fishing Skill – Sims can now catch Koi, Bass and Trout from fishing spots that contain them.

Level 3 Fishing Skill – Sims can now “Fish with Bait” and catch bigger and better fish.

Level 4 Fishing Skill – Sims can now catch Catfish and Tilapia from fishing spots that contain them.

Level 5 Fishing Skill – Sims can now “Examine Water”.

Level 6 Fishing Skill – Sims can now catch Rainbow Fish from fishing spots that contain them.

Level 7 Fishing Skill – Sims can now catch the Anglerfish from fishing spots that contain them.

Level 8 Fishing Skill – Sims are now more efficient at fishing.

Level 9 Fishing Skill – Sims are now more efficient at fishing.

Level 10 Fishing Skill – Sims are now more efficient at fishing.


Examining Water & Using Bait

Aside from looking to see which fish are jumping out of the water, Sims can also “Examine” the water at fishing spot to check which types of fish can be caught there. Examining is unlocked at level 5 of the Fishing Skill, can be done once every hour, and is most successful if a Sim is in the “Focused” emotion.
Examining a fishing spot helps you learn if any fish in that area will require a specific type of bait. There are three types of bait used to catch certain fish: Plants, Frogs, and Medium Sized Fish. Be sure to have a good amount of each as they are used up pretty quickly.

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Freshness and Value

Fish spoils within 24 hours depending on the quality at the time of the catch. The only upside is they don’t lose their original value. The following freshness levels are available for fish: Great, Average, Poor and Foul.


❗ You can prolong freshness by putting fish in fish bowls or the refrigerator.

Fish can be very valuable as your Sim progresses in the Fishing Skill. The longer you fish, the bigger the catch, and the more it’s worth. Two of the most valuable fish in the game are the Sturgeon and Anglerfish, which can sell for well over §1500 Simoleons each.

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Fish Bowls and Mounting

Unless you’re selling the fish, or using them to Cook or Fertilize your garden, decorate your home with mounted fish and fish bowls. Mounting a fish can be done through your Sim’s inventory free of charge, and you can purchase fish bowls in buy mode for §60 Simoleons.
If you have fish in your inventory, you can add them to the fish bowl directly, or you can purchase one of three fish available via the fishing bowl: Guppy (§15), Goldfish (§25), and Tetra (§45). Purchasing these fish from the fish bowl is the easiest way to add them to your Fishing Collection.

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Mounted Fish give off the “Confident” Aura by default.


Miscellaneous Catches

Sims will also catch some odd and useful collectibles when fishing. Some of the items you can find includes, but is not limited to, Cowplant Berries, Emotion Potions, Kitchen Upgrade Parts, Pomegranates, Apples, and Musical Instruments. Be on the lookout for treasure chests that emerge from the water!


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Sims will also reel in (and toss) “fail” catches such as seaweed and logs.


The Sims 4 Collectibles: Fish List

Below is a list of fish and where to find each of them in the game. Many of the fish help increase the quality of food you cook, and also help complete your household Fishing Collection.

❗ Note: Values are based on sample fish. Fish values vary by size.

Reel It In!
1RainbowfishRare§16Contrary to popular belief, following a rainbowfish will not lead you to a pot of goldfish.Unlocked at Level 6 of the Fishing Skill - Found in the waterfall area Sylvan Glades and in the far back fishing area of Oasis Springs' Park.
2SturgeonRare§114Sturgeon are large fish sometimes called living fossils. Luckily, they aren't offended.Found in the ponds of Willow Creek's & Oasis Springs' parks.
3TreefishRare§25Shhh... can you hear their singing? No? Well, even magical treefish have limits.Found in the ponds of the Willow Creek Park and Sylvan Glades.
4Red-Tailed Black SharkRare§8A small fish with a big name. Also known as a redtail sharkminnow.Found in the far back fishing area of Oasis Springs' Park. Use small fish as bait.
5Piranha Rare§9A small fish with a big bite. But really, watch out for those tiny teeth.Found in the pond of Willow Creek's Park. Use medium fish as bait.
6BatfishRare§20The batfish doesn't sleep upside-down, but it has nice, leathery wings to make up for it.Found in Forgotten Grotto.
7AnglerfishRare§35A sneaky predator fish that lures prey into its mouth with a small, glowing tentacle like growth on its head.Unlocked at Level 7 of the Fishing Skill - Found in the ponds of Willow Creek's park, Sylvan Glades and Forgotten Grotto. Use medium fish as bait.
8CatfishUncommon§22Unlike a domestic cat, this fish uses its whiskers to taste its surroundings. Like thin little tongues.Unlocked at Level 4 of the Fishing Skill - Found in many fishing locations. Use plants as bait.
9Wolf EelUncommon§83This bottom feeding eel-like fish is known for its hard-shell eating teeth. Scared? They're actually quite friendly.Found in Forgotten Grotto. Use frogs as bait.
10Kissing GouramiUncommon§8Don't kiss these lips; kissing gourami have sharp rows of teeth lining their mouth.Found in almost all fishing spots.
11AngelfishUncommon§7A lovely small fish, perfect for showing off and keeping other fish on their best behavior.Found in almost all fishing spots.
12BettaUncommon§6A very small and hard fish, that's betta than most!Found in the pond of Willow Creek's Park.
13TilapiaUncommon§20Tilapia are a type of cichlid fish. They're pretty happy in a nice aquarium too.Unlocked at Level 4 of the Fishing Skill - Found in Sylvan Glades.
14BassCommon§20A Perch by another name. Nice sound dynamics though.Unlocked at Level 2 of the Fishing Skill - Found in almost all fishing spots.
15TetraCommon§5A small freshwater fish with a compressed, shiny body and distinctive fins.Found in almost all fishing spots. Can also be purchased from a fishbowl.
16TroutCommon§18It might look a little bit like salmon, but no doubt it's trout.Unlocked at Level 2 of the Fishing Skill - Found in the pond of Oasis Springs' park.
17PerchCommon§7A small spiny fish typically found in rivers and lakes.Found in almost all fishing spots.
18SalmonCommon§77A good sized fish known in Celtic mythology as a symbol of wisdom. Also known for being delicious.Found in almost all fishing spots.
19MinnowCommon§5A fish so small, it's best used to catch other fish.Found in almost all fishing spots.
20KoiCommon§11Koi is actually a shortening of nishikigoi meaning "brocaded carp". A pretty name for a pretty fish.Unlocked at Level 2 of the Fishing Skill - Found in the ponds of Willow Creek's & Oasis Springs' parks.
21GuppyCommon§5A small, bright tropical fish. (Not only bright as in colorful, they're also pretty smart.)Found in the pond of Oasis Springs' Park. Can also be purchased from a fishbowl.
22GoldfishCommon§5A small member of the carp family known to frequent both fishbowls and toilet bowls.Found in the pond of Oasis Springs' park. Can also be purchased from a fishbowl.
TS4 2014-09-19 03-59-02-21The Right AnglerPlaque§0Awarded to household when completing the "Fish" Collection.

