The Sims 4: Mod Releases of the Week

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Each week we compile a list of mods that have been released to help make your gaming experience more pleasant and unique. Be sure to use The Sims 4 Mods Category Tag for future reference.

❗ Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.
❗ While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 
❗ This list is here for informational purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 
❗ Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game


The Pizza PosseNew uniforms for Pizza Delivery Sims

Evolve All Plants – Sims will automatically move from plant to plant evolving each plant which is eligible

No More Culling – Stops both forms of household culling


Granite Falls Default Replacement GrassChanges the default grass texture in the world

Rebalanced AgingAlters the aging system in the game

“Eternal” and “Immortal” Buyable Traits – Adds two new traits to the game via the Apiration Reward Store


Snow Replacement for Granite FallsChanges the default grass texture in the world

Terrain Replacement for Granite FallsChanges the default grass texture in the world

No Trait Requirements for Skill BooksMakes it so that writing skill books on computers requires Writing level five (plus a high level of whichever skill the book is about), instead of the Professorial trait (aka Chronicler) that the Renaissance Sim aspiration provides


Faster Eating and DrinkingAlters a Sim’s eating and drinking actions

Harbinger Light FixOverride for the “Harbinger” cabinets that changes the shader used on them so that they are rendered like the counters

Rummage for Food UnlockedUnhooks the “Rummage for Food” interaction from the glutton trait, so it can be used by everyone



Pre-Upgraded TV’s and StereosAdds channels to TV’s and Stereos without needed to upgrade them via the handiness skill

No More SelfiesRemoves the “Selfie” interaction on cell phones

UI Normal Sim PictureEliminates the different pictures or poses shown at the bottom left when the active sim has different emotions


Cure for Flatulent SlobsCures flatulent Sims in The Sims 4 Base Game

Nonchalant TraitAdds new trait to the game

Party Animal TraitAdds new trait to the game


Wall Mounted DressersTurns the decor coat racks from the Base Game into functional dressers

Unlocked Lawn PartsUnlocks lawn parts from the game for use in buy mode

Corner Fix for IndustryMatters WallFixed an issue with the “IndustryMatters” wall


CAS Idle ReplacementsReplaces the default idle poses so that they match the zoomed in one

Sweet FXMakes the game sharper and brighter

Just Sharper Sweet FXMakes the game sharper


No Spinning When Changing ClothesSims will not spin around when changing clothes

Anxiety Disorder TraitAdds new trait to the game

Loving TraitAdds new trait to the game


Faithful TraitAdds new trait to the game

Naturally Gifted TraitAdds new trait to the game

Popular TraitAdds new trait to the game

