Custom Showcase: Meet!

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ndFAYcvYaOo1Q6x279SHFor avid Sims 4 custom content shoppers, many have heard about ‘A Little Sims 4 Site’ named Mick and his wife Bec first launched the site only a month after the release of The Sims 4. The mom-and-pop creators, also known as Simista and Mr. S, haveĀ uploaded a bit of everything from clothes to deco and have been a staple since the launch of The Sims 4.

Mr. S originally began playing The Sims on the Playstation for the first time. First it was classic Bustin’ Out then originality of The Urbz caught his fancy. “When I first played it and controlled the lives of these little people, it was like wow!” He expressed about his experience being drawn into the series. “I loved the stories.”


Simista began by making creations for The Sims 2 mostly as a hobby for her own gameplay. Mr. S however wasn’t too interested in creating content until The Sims 3 was released. Both began to play with creating on the side. As Ā time freed up for Mr. S, he decided to explore a university course in 3DS Max, a 3D graphic program.

Feeling more bolstered and confident in his ability to create custom content, they both decided to move from the original blogger platform and create their little site named around October, 2014.


Inspired by the real world, Mr. S found himself looking at things and wondering if he could create it in the game. But the game is limited to the tools at hand. “You can retexture something ’til the cows come home, but no matter how good it is, you run out of ideas.” Mr. S and Simista both have and still use Sims 4 Studio. TheyĀ beganĀ with simple recolors then developed into clothes meshing as the tool developed and allowed. Both found their niche with Mr. S molding and shaping meshes and his wife, Simista, following up with superior fashion sense.


The first object meshes created on were the Home Theatre Package. But releasing it was an anxious feat for Mr. S. First he created the mesh in preparation for the new beta of Sims 4 Studio. After finally putting it in his game, he was over the moon with excitement. But he still had to wait a a few weeks to make it available to the public! “It was like, come on! I want to release this!”

Another creation that Mr. S was proud of is the Fire DrumĀ which was once featured in another showcase on SimsVIP. Along with another creator, Brujah, it took days to manage the fire in the center of the drum. In fact, behind the scenes shows that there are actually two fires. With one at the top, and one at the bottom, it gave the illusion of being one large fire in the final project. Unfortunately, an update to The Sims 4 broke the object but Mr. S is diligent to repair it.

Most of the time, however, Mr. S created the meshes on his own. Creations such as the guttering he worked hard to set together. It took 3 or 4 attemptsĀ to get it just right. While it isn’t his most popular download, he has a special place in his heart for it and uses it on nearly every lot build.


While his creations often avoid the need for the Move Objects On cheat, Mr. S made an exception for one of his more recent creations: The Always Sunny Glasshouse. What originally started as an experiment to use the cheat to move plants and light in it actually became an enjoyable project that has inspired him to create more outdoor garden objects such as the New Shrub EdgingĀ released on soon after.

Recently, underwent some changes for their growing audience but it has retained the domain name. During the transition to ‘A Little Sims 4 Blog’, they’ve taken the opportunity to reupload and update their content. Not all of their downloads are available at this time. With a shared love for The Sims, Simista plans to continue growing and providing more quality content for every player’s game.

To learn more about Simista, Mr. S, and their creations, browse their resources on!


ā— Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.


ā— While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game.Ā 

ā— The content in this article is for information purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game.

ā— Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game.
