The Sims 4: New Game Patch (May 17th, 2016)

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There’s a new Sims 4 update available in Origin. If you have automatic updates enabled in the “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.
To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: PC Version / Mac Version If you’ve updated but it’s not showing the correct version, delete the GameVersion.txt file, restart, and all will be corrected.

Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game

Update: 05/17/2016 – PC Version / Mac Version
Hey Simmers,

Keeping this update short and neat. Just letting a couple hairs hang out on this one, not an “Einstein head buried in a complicated encryption issue, hands in the hair, letting the strands fall where they may” kind of release, but a we had a bunch of backend issues to address (not called out here, because ‘brain hurts’), and a few bits of this and that. So, with that in mind…

  • We addressed an issue where the Tragic Clown hair was randomly appearing on townies who were not the Tragic Clown. As much as we love this hair, it is a bit of an oddity to see haphazardly on Bob or Jane the neighbor as they jog on by.
    • The Tragic Clown hair will no longer randomly appear on your friends and neighbors… unless you want it to.
  • Several interactions on the computer for children now properly display a skill icon to communicate why the interaction is present (unlocked because of a skill), or what the interaction will benefit for your child (raise a skill when performed).
  • Children will now gain social motive when an adult reads to them.
    • Adults may gain frustration as their child asks for “Just one more.”
    • “Just one more” interaction is only present in the IRL version.
  • Chatting with Sims on the Slablet will now build relationship with that Sim.
    • …because all Sims are Sims. As the song says “Sims are Sims so why should it be, that those Sims should have gotten along so awfully…” on the Slablet.
      • Ok, so maybe that wasn’t exactly the song’s lyrics, BUT if the writer had known about the Slablet, I’m sure it would have changed everything… a whole new mode.
  • Masterbedroom will no longer be blocked by the profanity filter when sharing to the Gallery.
    • Masterbathroom you’re next.
  • Addressed an issue that could cause a Sims shadow to flicker when in a low light room.
  • Added a blank line between each release note, in order to elongate the visual impact of the release notes.
  • Napping in a hot tub will now properly trigger Ultra Speed.
    • Napping in a hot tub is not recommended because you know… water.
  • We addressed an issue preventing the completion of the Be Parent to a Child with 3 Friends aspiration goal.
  • Edge scrolling now functions in windowed full screen mode.
    • You can find the option to turn on or off Edge Scrolling in the Options Menu (ESC) under the Game Options / Game Camera tab.
  • We fixed an issue where photographs placed on a lot could incorrectly flag the lot as having CC when shared to the Gallery.
    • This will correct the issue for creations going forward.
  • Ending a sentence with a preposition is bad, according to my 4th grade teacher, about from except with upon toward among.

Here’s to hoping your days are counted in Sim days (because then you’d get to live 3,011,903,080,114,070,519,031,513,091,407 nanoseconds on average),


