The Sims 4: Toddler Patch Overview

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The latest Sims 4 Game Patch has added some new game additions like CAS assets, build/buy items, and Toddlers! The post below contains brief previews and images of the new features added to the game.


Upon entering Create-a-Sim, you now have a SIX brand new skin tone colors to choose from when customizing your Sims. Six shades of grey-ish.


In addition to the skin tones, you are now able to customize teeth for Sims of all ages. To enter customization for this, open the Face > Teeth section of CAS. Sims aged Teen to Elder have the same customization options, while Children and Toddlers have options of their own.

The final addition to Sims 4’s Create-a-Sim, is a new “Creepy Walk” Walk Style. Select this option when customizing a Sim’s walk style in CAS.


New Radio Stations

Today’s update adds the new “Lullabies” and “Kids” music genres to the game. You can now listen to the new music tracks in game via the stereo and speaker systems.


Build/Buy Mode

The latest Sims 4 update adds 7 brand new Wallpapers, 2 brand new Floor colors, and 2 brand new doors. you can find these items in the build section of the game.


Styled Rooms

The latest Sims 4 update has also added two brand new Toddler themed Styled Rooms to the game. Simply select and place them in your game.



The largest addition to The Sims 4 with this update, is the addition of Toddlers, a new life-stage in The Sims 4. Toddlers function just like any other (non-infant) life-stage, complete with emotions, animations, needs, skills, traits, and interactions.


Infants in the game who age up to the next stage of life will automatically turn into toddlers. If you do not have infants in your household, you can always adopt a toddler via computer for §1,000 simoleons, or create a Toddler right in Create-a-Sim.


Toddlers come complete with hairstyles, clothing, head accessories, shoes, and outfits. They share all the customization options as other Sims in the game, including facial parts (chin, nose, lips, eyes, etc), skin colors, hair colors, and tooth customization.

As far as face and body sculpting is concerned, you can customize a toddlers facial features just as any other Sim, however, you can only use a weight slider to sculpt a Toddler’s body.


Toddlers come complete with clothing, accessories, shoes, and hairstyles. Be sure to check out all the cute little items for your Tots! (Tights for girls are a great accessory!)


Toddler Traits

Toddlers also come with their very own unique traits. These traits can be applied directly from Create-a-Sim, or you can select a trait when your infant ages up to a toddler. The following traits are available for immediate selection, along with two that are rewarded.

Angelic – Idyllic, easygoing Toddlers. They are never defiant and they don’t throw a tantrum. They can easily talk to strangers.

Charmer – These Toddlers love to socialize. They earn Communication skill faster, and don’t suffer Stranger Danger from strangers. They can Share the Love with other Sims.


Clingy – These shy Toddlers avoid Sims outside the household and get sad if left behind. They gain extra skill when taught. And they recover faster from bad moods when Comforted.

Fussy – Tiny trouble-makers who love to Cry, cause trouble, and Throw Fits. But being noticed makes them Happy and helps them overcome negative Moodlets.

Independent – These Toddlers love their freedom, and don’t like to take orders from caregivers. They gain extra skill when they are left alone, and need less Attention than other Toddlers.


Inquisitive – Curious explorers. These Toddlers gain Thinking skill slightly faster. They are happiest when learning something, and sad if they haven’t learned anything lately.

Silly – Goofy and curious. These Toddlers love to tell jokes and get Playful. They earn Imagination skill slightly faster.

Wild – Spirited and full of Energy. These Toddlers love to explore and get Energized. They earn Movement skill slightly faster. They get Sad if they haven’t been outside in a while.
❗ The following traits are given to Child Sims who age up from Toddlers. Specific skill requirements are needed for these traits to be rewarded to children.
Happy Toddler (Reward Trait – Child) – This Sim got a good jump on skills as a toddler. This helps them gain all skills a bit faster. (From having all Level 3 Toddler Skills when aging up to Child)


Top-Notch Toddler (Reward Trait – Child) – This Sim got such a strong jump on skills as a toddler, they improve all other skills extra fast. (From having all Level 5 Toddler Skills when aging up to Child)


Occult Toddlers

While in Create-a-Sim you also have the option to create an Alien (or Occult) Toddler, and have complete control over their Alien looks and disguise. (Same applies to Vampire Toddlers once The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack is released later this month.)


Care Dependent

Toddlers have a special relationship with some Sims; their Parents and Caregivers. Sims that fall into one of those two groups will concern themselves with and care for the Needs of the toddler. You can also choose to become (or remove) yourself as a Caregiver by selecting the Adopt as Care Dependent interaction in the Toddler Care menu.



Toddler Needs

Just like other Sims in your household, Toddlers have needs that must be met. Failure to meet the needs of a hungry or neglected toddler will result in social services taking away the toddler. The following needs must be met to keep a Toddler happy:

Bladder – Use a diaper for a quick fix, or potty train on the potty chair.

Hunger – Toddlers can eat on the floor, but they prefer to sit in a high chair for a proper meal.

Energy – Toddlers prefer to sleep or nap in a toddler bed. They can also nap on the floor or couch.


Fun – Everyone needs some fun in their lives, especially toddlers. Play with toys, look at books, or play a game on the tablet.

Attention – Toddlers need more attention than older Sims and need to be constantly watched and engaged with in order to be happy.

Hygiene – Adult Sims can change a dirty diaper, or give a toddler a bath.


Toddler Skills

Toddlers have their own set of skills in the game: Communication, Imagination, Movement, Thinking, and Potty.. These skills help shape a toddler’s behavior and maturity level as they grow older. Below is a breakdown of these skills:


Click here for Toddler Skill Cheats

Communication Level 1 – Talking is a huge step for any Toddler. The Communication skill teaches Toddlers advanced socials. Improve it by talking with others, and studying advanced Flash Cards. Toddlers need to learn how to speak and understand when being spoken to.

Communication Level 2 – Toddlers can now Hug and Hit others, and also Learn Animals from Flash Cards with adults.

Communication Level 3 – Toddlers can now Talk. They will Talk about Toys, Talk about Trucks, Yell At, or Say Nonsense to others. Toddlers can also Ask for Dessert, and learn other socials by increasing other skills, as well.


Communication Level 4 – Toddlers can now Talk about Party, Talk about Favorite Animal, and Tell Knock Knock Jokes. They can also Learn Objects from Flash Cards.

Communication Level 5 – Toddlers fully develop verbal skills. They can now Tell Story, Tell Goofy Story, and Talk about Dinosaurs.

Imagination Level 1 – Toddlers with Imagination play in their own world. Imagination skill teaches Toddlers to read and create fantastical worlds with their toys. Gain Imagination skill by playing with Toys and Dolls, listening to music, or looking at Toddler Books.


Imagination Level 2 – Toddlers can now Look at the Pictures in Toddler Books, and Play With others at the Dollhouse.

Imagination Level 3 – Toddlers can now name toys, dolls, and stuffed animals.

Imagination Level 4 – Toddlers can Read Toddler Books.

Imagination Level 5 – Toddlers have fully developed their Imagination, and can View Art.

Movement Level 1 – Toddlers who focus on Movement really get around. The Movement skill helps Toddlers walk faster, run, climb stairs, and dance, dance, dance. Improve it by walking around, building with Nesting Blocks, dancing, or via Play wrestling with adults.

Movement Level 2 – Toddlers can now climb stairs and Play Wrestle (requires Wild Trait) with an adult.

Movement Level 3 – Toddlers can now walk faster and Dance to music.

Movement Level 4 – Toddlers can now Run and Build Towers out of Nesting Blocks.

Movement Level 5 – Toddlers have fully developed their Movement Skill, and can easily climb stairs.

Thinking Level 1 – Thinking Skill helps toddlers throw fewer tantrums and be more capable of taking care of themselves. It reduces defiance, and helps to solve needs. Thinking Skill is improved by being curious, or by playing with Flash Cards, Nesting Blocks, or the Tablet.


Thinking Level 2 – Toddlers can now Study Shapes on the Nesting Blocks and will defy parents less often.

Thinking Level 3 – Toddlers can now Learn Numbers from Flash Cards with adults, and sleep better through the night.

Thinking Level 4 – Toddlers can now Ask Why of other Sims, and knows not to Splash in the Toilet.

Thinking Level 5 – Toddlers have fully developed their Thinking Skill, sleep through the night, and never defy parents. Toddlers can now Learn Letters from Flash Cards and practice Spelling with Nesting Blocks.


Potty Level 1 – Toilet training makes dirty diapers a thing of the past. Potty skill teaches toddlers to use the Potty Chair. Improve it by having an adult Train the toddler.

Potty Level 2 – Toddlers can now Use the Potty Chair without the help of an adult.

Potty Level 3 – Toddlers have mastered Potty training and they will always try and use the Potty Chair instead of their diaper.


Toddler Interactions

Toddlers also have their own unique interactions with other Sims and objects. Asking for food, hitting a friend, playing with other Sims, throwing tantrums, and “Splashing” the toilet, are just some of the available options available to Toddlers.



Toddler Recipes

Toddlers can eat pretty much anything they get their hands on, but the update also added some Toddler specific food dishes available to Toddlers when eating in high-chairs. The following 13 food and drink options dishes are available to Toddlers:


Buy Mode (Toddlers)

This update added a variety of objects specifically for Toddlers. When opening the new “Toddler” category in the Kids section of buy mode, you will find everything you need to prepare your home for Toddlers. (Skill objects included!)

